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HistoryNov 29, 2004 - 12:00 a.m.

[NT] WINS Replication Remote Vulnerability


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WINS Replication Remote Vulnerability


WINS is "a Microsoft NetBIOS name server, that basically eliminates the
need for broadcast packet to resolve a NetBIOS computer name to an IP

WINS has a feature called WINS replication, where one or more WINS servers
exchange information with each other about the computers on their
respective networks. WINS replication is done on TCP port 42 using a
Microsoft proprietary protocol. During this protocol flow, a memory
pointer is sent from server to client, and the client uses that to talk
with the server. If a special crafted packet is sent to the server, an
attacker can control the pointer and can make it point to an
attacker-controlled buffer and eventually write 16 bytes at any location.


All known versions of Wins.exe are affected. Windows 2000 SP2-4 were

Technical Details:
The packet that we are sending looks like this:

| size of packet | (excluding 4 bytes of size field)

real addres pointer

identified long
… (etc)

The size of the packet is passed as argument to HeapAlloc (wins checks
that size is less than 0x2F87F8). The second dword is the condition we
have to pass to trigger the bug. Finally the address pointer that from now
on we call "myself" points to a special structure used by wins to exchange
information between servers.

To exploit it, what we do is try to point myself to a buffer that we can
control, what we do is send a big packet of about 0x40000 bytes so we can
guess where it would be. Once we point to something that we control, we
need to point to a specific structure that looks like this:

WHERE -x048

| WHAT | 0x24



Obviously, where is the address that we want to write to, and what* are
the 16 bytes that we are writing to where address.

So we have three problems arise:
(a) How to point exactly to our crafty structure
b) Where to write
(c) What to write

The (a) point is resolved creating a special structure with "where-0x48" *
9 and what * 14, if we repeat this structure, we could brute force the
structure and with less than 3 tries we will have our Write16 primitive.
(Note: Access Violations are caught by wins.exe).

The (c) point is resolved guessing an approximate address of the 0x40000
bytes malloc.

Now, (b) point is the hardest value to find, and is related to point (a)
and c. Because as Oded Horovitz has documented, and common sense says,
when a large amount of bytes is freed, it is returned back to the OS, and
the consequence are that our function pointer has to be triggered before
HeapFree is executed, so we have to discard PEB function pointer. In order
not to loose all the advantages that the big buffer gives us, we try to
find the return address by brute forcing the stack.

Useful ollydbg breakpoints (SP3)

Address Module Active Disassembly Comment
01012EEC wins Always CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.Create
01013404 wins Log MOV EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.lst
01013413 wins Log MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.lst
01015D93 wins Log CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.lstrcp
0101811D wins Log CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.lstrcp
0102117C wins Always PUSH ESI
0102122E wins Always MOV ESI,wins.01026520
01021274 wins Always ADD EAX,4
01021294 wins Always CMP EAX,-1
010212AE wins Always ADD EDX,4
010212DA wins Always PUSH wins.01026A68
010212E4 wins Always CALL wins.01012ACC
01021368 wins Always PUSH wins.01003CAC
01021397 wins Always JMP wins.010212FF
010213E7 wins Always CALL wins.01022C8B recv 240
01021403 wins Always CALL wins.010224AA recv4
01021423 wins Always JNB wins.010212FF
0102143E wins Always CALL <JMP.&WS2_32.#151>
01021460 wins Always CALL wins.0102185C
010214CF wins Always DEC ECX
010214E9 wins Always JMP SHORT wins.010214C9
010214F7 wins Always JMP wins.01021416
01021526 wins Always CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&WS2_32.#1>]
01021563 wins Always CALL wins.01012806
0102158A wins Always CALL wins.01012DB1
010215B8 wins Always JNZ SHORT wins.010215C3
010215C8 wins Always CALL wins.01022040
010215D2 wins Always XOR EAX,EAX
01021614 wins Always CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.Interl
01021622 wins Always MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4FC],ESI
0102165E wins Always CALL wins.01012DB1
01021676 wins Always JE wins.010212FF
0102167F wins Always CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&WS2_32.#14>]
010216BE wins Always CALL wins.01012806
01021790 wins Always JMP wins.010216FC
010217EE wins Always MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-14]
0102197D wins Always PUSH EBP
0102252B wins Always MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4]
010225FE wins Always CALL wins.0102240C

Discovery Method:
This exploit was discovered by tracing through the processes with Ollydbg
and manually analyzing the disassembly by Nicolas Waisman.

Research and Exploited by Immunity Researcher Nicolas Waisman, May, 2004.
Released to VSC May, 2004.
Released to public 26 November, 2004


The information has been provided by Nicolas Waisman.
The original article can be found at:


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