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HistoryMay 11, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

MOPS-2010-003: PHP dechunk Filter Signed Comparison Vulnerability


MOPS-2010-003: PHP dechunk Filter Signed Comparison Vulnerability
May 2nd, 2010

PHP’s dechunk filter that can be used to decode remote HTTP chunked encoding streams, performs a signed comparison of the chunk size against the space in the buffer. A negative number will result in a far to many bytes (2GB – 4GB) being copied between heap buffers, which results in a crash.
Affected versions

Affected is PHP 5.3 <= 5.3.2

The vulnerability was discovered by Stefan Esser during a quick audit of the new features in PHP 5.3.
Detailed information

The new PHP dechunk filter consists of a state machine that uses the following structure to remember the current state.
typedef struct _php_chunked_filter_data {
php_chunked_filter_state state;
int chunk_size;
int persistent;
} php_chunked_filter_data;

The chunk_size is stored in a signed integer which can result in problems because of the chunk size decoder used.
while (p < end) {
if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
data->chunk_size = (data->chunk_size * 16) + (*p - '0');
} else if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'F') {
data->chunk_size = (data->chunk_size * 16) + (*p - 'A' + 10);
} else if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f') {
data->chunk_size = (data->chunk_size * 16) + (*p - 'a' + 10);
} else if (data->state == CHUNK_SIZE_START) {
data->state = CHUNK_ERROR;
} else {
data->state = CHUNK_SIZE_EXT_START;
data->state = CHUNK_SIZE;

The chunk size decoder does not protect itself against integer overflows and therefore a positive 32 bit chunk size will result in a negative integer being stored in the chunk_size state variable. This causes problems in a later state that compares the chunk size against the remaining buffer space.
if (end - p >= data->chunk_size) {
if (p != out) {
memmove(out, p, data->chunk_size);
out += data->chunk_size;
out_len += data->chunk_size;
p += data->chunk_size;

It should be obvious that a negative chunk size being stored in the chunk_size signed integer variable will pass the check and result in 2GB to 4GB being copied between the two heap buffers. Usually this will result in a crash only but in a multithreaded webserver this could result in a more serious exploitable memory corruption. Luckily PHP is rarely used in a multithreaded environment.
Proof of concept, exploit or instructions to reproduce

The following proof of concept code will trigger the vulnerability and result in a crash.
$x = '0fffffffe

$y = file_get_contents('php://filter/read=dechunk/resource=file:///tmp/test.dat');
echo "here";

The correct way to fix this vulnerability is to no longer use a signed variable for the chunk size and to remove the possibility of a integer overflow in the chunk size decoder.